Five Quotes To Help with Your Career
by Paulina Awwadeh
Did you ever wonder what are some of the most successful people say in terms of who they reached that point of success that so many dream of? Think no further, these are 5 quotes from some of the most successful and inspirational people.
“Choose a job you love, & you will never have to work a day in your life.” – Confucius
Logically speaking, you will be spending about half of your day working. Why not make the best of it? Psychologists say that if you enjoy your task, you have a significantly higher chance in excelling. That is more than enough reasons to discover your passion, peruse it, and become one of the lucky few you have a hobby which generates an income!
Obstacles are those things you see when you take your eyes off the goal.” – Henry Ford
Ensuring that you reach your goal could be one of the most time and energy consuming tasks. Thus why not taking the advise of one of the most successful people in history, as to how make that task easier. Not being distracted by insignificant things one, will prevent you from being discouraged by what you will psychologically see as an ‘obstacle’. By preventing that you will not lose motivation, time, and most importantly hope.
“It had long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them. They went out and happened to things.” –Leonardo da Vinci
One cannot have a fully functioning sentence without a noun and a verb. Well in this quote and in achieving success you are the noun, thus what is missing you action. This quote highlights the importance of one actually setting out and making things happen. So why not wake up this morning, take the advice of the innovative and life-changing artists, and go out and happen to things. Happen to a raise, to a book, to a person in need!
“The future depends on what you do today.” – Mahatma Gandhi
What most do not realize that the present is the time which is crutcial to success. Never procrastinate, because tomorrow is a day where you can do something else. Also keep in mind the laws of phsyics where every action has a reaction, and thus know that your choices now will impact your future. Why not turn this to your advantage? Why not make good connections today? Or set off and make a fruitful investment? Or even explore a new area and gain knowledge.
“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” – Eleanor Roosevelt
Even in terms of the scientific method. The first step is always having an idea or ‘hypothesis’, and then working with it and hopefully turning it into a proven theory. That is why one should always have a dream, and a beautiful one at that. That should be the starting point. The sky is the limit. Dream big, and most importantly believe in your dreams, and then moreover work hard and do not give up!
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