Ever stopped for a moment to determine your money mindset? If yes, what is it (without any airy fairy stuff) and how can it help or hinder start up success? Are you already into making big purchases just like me? Regardless of whether it's a new condo, a new car or even a really expensive pedigree cat, all these just seem to be dancing to the same tune - "but do I really need to spend all this money?"
Source: http://www.bloomberg.com/
What is it?
The first time you hear the words - money mindset - you'll be tempted to assume that it's one of those things that other people do to convince themselves that they'll become successful if they depend on the universe to support them... This sounded too far-fetched for my liking and it wasn't long before I realized that it was less about chanting and more about setting SMART goals, releasing the fears that come with attaining success.
Quite simply, working on your money mindset is basically about analyzing the beliefs that surround your finances; understanding your core beliefs around money, where they come from and setting up ground to challenge your own thoughts to help create a positive mindset that invites success into your business.
What can I do to fix it?
Developing a positive relationship with your finances is all about understanding your own fears and how they relate to money. Some of the most common beliefs that most people have to deal with include "Success has always been difficult to attain", "I have to work extremely hard to attain success" or "only thin, pretty women get successful." Begin by understanding the source of these beliefs to help pave way for challenging them.
Create post-It notes and stick them on the fridge, your computer screen or even the mirror. All of these should say things such as, "I attain my success by offering a valuable service to my client," "My client has more than enough money to pay me" and my all-time favorite, "There is room for improvement." Beliefs and not your skills are keeping you from attaining the so-desired success. Those same beliefs will keep your business from growing. These are the same beliefs that will encourage you to skip precious sales conversions, are responsible for your nervousness about charging the right price for a particular service and will still set you up to fail; if you don't believe in the value of what you offer.
Tips to Help You Deal With Your Money Mindset:
If you are in the process of improving or re-creating your money mindset, there are some tips you'll need to keep in mind:
Take your time to fully assess your finances and financial capabilities let alone your beliefs around money and how the two relate. Are you a natural worrier? Do your emotions change with fluctuations in your finances? Where did you learn this behavior and how can you overcome it?
Source: http://www.vision-framework.com/
Lastly, be kind to yourself. In spite of all the hype, fixing your money mindset doesn't happen overnight. If you're deep in debt, start by creating a repayment plan that helps you focus on your goals. If you're scared of setting up your own start-up because it might take long to recover the money, go out and promote yourself and begin generating revenue. If you need more support, consider speaking to a Business Coach to help you work past your financial blocks and help you put an end to sabotaging your own business before it even takes off.
Swati is a postgraduate in English and an MBA. She writes articles, blogs, web pages, reports, press releases, product descriptions, eBooks, sales letters and newsletters. She is passionate about health & fitness and loves to help people who are on a weight loss journey. Visit Swati's blog now if you would like to receive her FREE report titled "Lose 10 Pounds in 1 Week and Keep It Off".
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Swati_D_Banerjee/617179
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9164728
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