Wednesday, 20 January 2016

4 Keys to Gaining Wisdom {Proverbs 3}

As Christians we long to gain wisdom. We spend much of our lives in pursuit of it and often wonder why we fail to gain it.

The truth is, we often complicate the simplicity of gaining wisdom.
God does not make us stumble our way through life trying to figure things out on our own. He gave us His Word to guide us through every step of our way.
In Proverbs 3, we find instructions for what we need to pursue in order to live long, wisdom filled lives.
We are given keys to gain wisdom.
Using these keys is our choice.

Key #1

Peace, mercy and truth are keys to living holy lives.  God desires that we write these things upon our hearts and in doing so we will find favor with Him and man. If we, as Christians live peacefully, offering mercy when others deserve otherwise and are honest in all things, can you imagine how much different the world would be?
These 3 things could change the world for Christ, if we would only pursue and cling tightly to them throughout our lives!
Proverbs 3:5,6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart...

Key #2

Trusting God with all of our heart, not trying to make it through life on our own and acknowledging Him throughout all we do –are keys to receiving His direction for every step that we take.
We cannot see beyond the step we are on, so we must learn to trust God and be obedient to what we already know, seek His direction for what we don’t and always remember that He wants the best for us.
We will make mistakes.
No matter how much wisdom we gain, we will stumble and fall.
Not one of us is perfect.

Key #3

God will correct us when we fail to follow His instructions, but each correction we receive from His hand is offered with love. He desires that we learn from Him, to pursue Him and His ways.
“My son, do not despise the Lord‘s discipline
    or be weary of his reproof,
for the Lord reproves him whom he loves,
    as a father the son in whom he delights.”~Proverbs 3:11,12
We must remember that through His correction, God is molding us to be conformed to His image.

Key #4

It is through our obedience that wisdom is gained.
The pursuit of wisdom is a journey that we should be excited to continue on throughout our lives. There is nothing that can be compared with wisdom, nothing in this world that we desire is anything like her.
The riches of wisdom are abundant and priceless!
Every obedient step we take brings us closer to the treasure of wisdom.
Proverbs 3:13-15 says:
Blessed is the one who finds wisdom,
    and the one who gets understanding,
for the gain from her is better than gain from silver
    and her profit better than gold.
She is more precious than jewels,
    and nothing you desire can compare with her.
Wisdom is attainable.
We can make wise decisions and choices throughout our lives, all that is required is our obedience to God’s instructions in His word.
It’s often the simplest steps we complicate that keep us from gaining that which we desire.
Take God at His word, trust His leading and begin the pursuit of wisdom through obedience today!

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